Cynthia Marsh
Altered Book:
The Bible of the Field
Distressed Bible mounted on a split log with woodland debris.
Artist Statement
One afternoon in 2020, I was walking with my dog, Roux, on a woodland trail in Clarksville, Tennessee. As a book artist living and working in Tennessee at the time, much of my production discussed the grid of Christianity that enveloped the region. When Roux trotted by with a discarded, waterlogged Bible in her mouth, I thought, “Hmm...even dogs need a bit of religion now and then.”
Short Bio
Cynthia Marsh is a contemporary reporter and narrative artist. As a professor at Austin Peay State University, she used large, hand-carved wood letters to begin a conversation that took form in books, broadsides, and printed environments. Currently she wanders the coastline and wooded paths of Maine searching for ancestral clues that might predict the future of our planet.