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RE-covery II Invitational Exhibition
43 Artists Re-imagine 43 Books

October 15, 2022–January 2, 2023

1. Choose a book that is significant to you, for whatever reason, (for love or for its indispensable fertilization of your working process?) and respond to its contents.

2. If possible, this book should be a first edition, a first printing, or a first appearance. In the world of collecting these books often have an inflated value. It is a fickle, world of commerce and many factors, often sexist or racist, etc., create an illusion of tangible, economic worth. Scarcity also plays a significant role, especially if you really want to work with a book relevant to your practice, but very difficult to find.

3. The old cover should be removed, thereby destroying its collectable value, and will be replaced or covered by something invented by your caring, curious, adventurous, devious, or loving mind. A new value is established, maybe more or less than the book’s original financial state, depending on your mood, reputation, effort, or desire to sell.

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© 202Art Around Books

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